Here's a summary of the key learning points...
- Start at your chosen take off, don't waste an hour walking to the course before you start
- Stuff goes in zipped pockets or is securely tied onto straps
- Take food and drink with you, especially drink
- Run fast, fly slow, maintain altitude on the ground and in the air if you can
- Make your decisions before you arrive at the point you need to think about them
- Pack quick, save time, if you're sure it's good then unpack and launch
- When choosing a field from the air, don't forget to spot where the gate is
- Take your pack off when jumping fences
- Smart phones are really just phones... they are no substitute for proper maps and GPS
- Be prepared for the weather to change, don't forget the hat
thank you to
my gorgeous wife for letting me loose
the flybubble team for the top class support, kit & organisation
the people behind rasp for actually being able to provide a useful met interpretation
the X-alps athletes for inspiration
the person who found my helmet
the people who own the fields I 'occupied' for a while
and most of all
John for driving me there, back and collecting me when I really couldn't face any more
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