Saturday, 7 April 2012

Completely different conditions for the last couple of days flying, eeeking out an hour on a windy ridge under a transiting cold front and then a few days later being stuck on a shallow ridge for a few hours under a glorious sky & completely unable to get more than 30m off the deck... both of these highlight the level of perseverance required on the difficult days and the determination needed not to pack it in too readily, but also of always being mindful about when to quit.

It'll be another couple of weeks before I can get out next due to work / life commitments, hopefully spring will still be ongoing and I can actually get high and go somewhere... currently very envious of the flights getting made whilst I'm otherwise engaged and I'll need to be wary / mindful of the 'red-mist' that will ensue when I get the opportunity to head out next.

Must remember that it doesn't really matter... it's only a game.