Friday, 23 March 2012

The first PWC event of the season is on in Brazil at the minute and I find myself wondering how the first-timers are coping with the bad (unsuitable for tasking) weather and long delays.  At the minute when I'm not flying I have work, kids, dog, chores and life to be getting on with.  It's gonna be weird to have flying and nothing else for ten days, so my preparation will have to be about more than just dealing with the demands of flying for five hours a day.

Part of the reason paragliding appeals to me so much is the apparent simplicity of 'just' left and right controls.  The finesse of getting the balance right and the choice of when to apply just how much is part of what makes it enduring.  I have a feeling that, like my other passion the board game of Go, this event is gonna be something I can do well at if I just don't screw it up on something silly.

That's the problem with simple things, they're often anything but...

Friday, 16 March 2012

I've always been a logical kind of person, A comes before C and B sits in between is a typical example of my thought process.

So starting with an ambition and working back a series of steps to acheive said ambition seems to be a good way to plan the avoidance of embarrassment.  I sometimes wonder if I've bitten off a little more than I can realistically chew in doing this comp but stuff it, it should be fun finding out.

Goals then, I'm going to the first paragliding competition in 15 years I guess a good start would be to make goal everyday.  Let's make sure I know what tasks are and how to get round them then.

It's all very well setting up a practise run for taking the dog on a walk but you gotta remember to turn the task off and the sound on when you go flying next...

I think that's this weeks lesson done :-)

more soon,

Thursday, 8 March 2012

It's a long way from the South Downs to Spain but you know what they say about a journey of a thousand miles, this will document some of my steps and learning in preparation for this summer's Nordic Open paragliding competition at Ager (Spain) in July.

Stay tuned for more to follow, much more in fact as things have changed a bit since I last had a crack at something like this